Sunday, September 2, 2012

IGNOU MCA -mcs-044 solved assignments 2012 -2013

Course Code : MCS-044

Course Title : Mini Project
Assignment Number : MCA (4)/044/Assign/12
Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 25%
Last Dates for Submission : 15th October, 2012 (For July 2012 Session)
15th April, 2013 (For January 2013 Session)
There are five questions in this assignment carrying 80 marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva-voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Program Guide for the format of presentation. Assumptions made if any, should be stated.
Background and Project Specifications:
A University like IGNOU wants to design and implement a web-based centralised system for Synopsis submission for the Project Courses. A Synopsis is created by a student under the supervision of a Project Guide. A person can be an eligible project guide if he has a MCA or B. Tech Computer Science degree and at least two years of experience at the Industry. An eligible project guide can guide maximum of 6 students in a semester. The synopsis submission requires a student to fill the relevant synopsis information and submit it. An incomplete synopsis or the synopsis submitted by ineligible students may be rejected. Once a synopsis is duly submitted, it is evaluated. A number of synopses are evaluated by an evaluator. Synopsis may be sent to them electronically and comments for improvement, status (Approved or Not Approved) is updated by the evaluator. A bill for evaluator may automatically be generated when all the synopsis sent to him/her are evaluated. An evaluator is allotted a maximum of 50 synopses. If an evaluator does not complete the task of evaluating synopsis in two weeks time then the synopses returns to the administrator, who sends them to a different evaluator. The system needs to maintain data of valid students, their synopsis, project guides, evaluator and the evaluation status of synopsis.
You may study such manual system at your Regional Centre.
Q 1: Which Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) will you
propose for the specification given above? Justify you selection by
evaluating suitability of at least two SDLCs. (10 Marks)
Q 2: What would be major costs of installing the system? What are going to
be the benefits in terms of finances? Perform a cost-benefit analysis for the proposed software. List the major tasks and milestones of the Project and
make a project schedule. You schedule must include both GANTT and
PERT charts. Explain the two charts drawn by you. (10 Marks)
Q 3: Study the system and create a software requirement specification. You
must identify either the processes or objects while analyzing. During
the analysis give consideration to possible input and output of the processes.
After identifying the requirements, create Analysis Models. You may
either use the classical approach and draw Entity relationship model and
data flow diagrams (DFD’s) up to level 2-3; or you may take object oriented analysis approach and create class diagram, use case diagram, use cases etc.
(10+15 Marks)
Q 4: Think of system architecture and then perform data design. You must
perform normalization on tables up to 3rd normal form. The table design
must include Primary and Foreign keys and constrains. Create the systems
flow chart or detailed process design and state transition diagrams.
Also design the user input screens and output report formats. (15+10 Marks)
Q 5: Design various unit test cases for different testing techniques/
strategies. (10 Marks)

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Singh Sujeet said...

send me sove for
mcs-044 and mcs-045

Unknown said...

plz plz upload the solve MCS-044 assignment.. i am waiting a very long time to this.

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