Thursday, September 4, 2014


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Course Code
Course Title
Computer Organisation and Assembly

Language Programming
Assignment Number
Maximum Marks
Last Dates for Submission
15th October, 2014 (For July 2014 Session)

15th April, 2015 (For January 2015 Session)

There are four questions in this assignment, which carries 80 marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Answer to each part of the question should be confined to about 300 words.

Q.1 (Covers Block 1)

Perform the following arithmetic operations using binary signed 2‟s
(3 Marks)

complement notation for integers. You may assume that the maximum

size of integers is of  9 bits including the sign bit. (Please note that the

numbers given here are in decimal notation).

Add – 256 and 206

Subtract 224 from  –99

iii) Add 124 and 132

Please indicate the overflow if it occurs. Also write how you identify


Convert the hexadecimal number: ( ABCD01)h  into equivalent
(1 Mark)

binary, octal and decimal.

Convert the following string into equivalent “UTF 8” code –
(2 Marks)

“DNS uses domains like .com, .au etc.”.

Are these UTF 8 codes same as that used in ASCII?

Use a Karnaugh's map to design a odd parity generator circuit for 4
(2 Marks)

input bits.

(e )
An 8 bit data 10110011 after transmission is received as 10010011.
(3 Marks)

Explain how SEC code will detect and correct this problem.

Design a two-bit counter (a sequential circuit) that counts from 00 to
(5 Marks)

11. You should show the state table, state diagram, the k-map for

circuit design and logic diagram of the resultant design using D flip-


Explain the single precision floating point single IEEE 754
(4 Marks)

representation. Represent the number (63.125) 10 using IEEE 754

single precision and double precision representations.

Q.2 (covers Block 2)

A RAM has a capacity of 1024K having the word size of 64 bits and
(2 Marks)


supports only word addresses.

(i)       How many data input and output lines does this RAM need? Explain your answer.

(ii)   How many address lines will be needed for this RAM? Explain.

A computer have 512 words RAM with a word size of 32 bits and a
(4 Marks)

cache memory of 8 Blocks with block size of 64 bits. Draw a

diagram to show the address mapping of RAM and Cache, if

(i)  Direct cache mapping is used

Associative cache mapping is used, and

(iii) Two way set associative mapping scheme is used.

What is the need of DMA, even though computer have Interrupt
(4 Marks)

Driven I/O mechanism? How is DMA different to I/O processors?

Explain with the help of a diagram. Suggest which I/O technique will

be used for each of the following situation. Give justification in

support of your answer.

Data input by a user during execution of a program.

(ii) Input of a stream of data over a data Communication line over a


How are tracks and sectors organised on a magnetic disk? How does
(2 Marks)

the organisation of sectors on magnetic disk differ from CD ROM?

Explain with the help of diagram. What is rotational latency in the

context of disk access time? Assume that the disk rotates at 6000 rpm;

each track of the disk has 16 sectors; data transfer rate of the disk is

64 MB/second; and average seek time of disk is10 millisecond.

Calculate the average access time for the disk.

What is the need of interfaces like SCSI and IDE in a computer
(2 Marks)

system? Assume that you are purchasing a computer with high-end

graphics capability, which of the two interfaces would you use for

such computer?  Justify your answer.

Define each of the following terms. Explain the main purpose / use /
(6 Marks)


(Word Limit for answer of each part is 50 words ONLY).

Refresh Rate in the context of displays

Liquid crystal displays

Scan codes in the context of keyboard

Graphic Accelerators

Classification of printers


Question 3 (Covers Block 3)

Assume that a new machine has been developed. This machine has 64
(4 Marks)

general purpose registers of 64 bits each. Out of these 64 registers, 32


registers are used as stack for subroutine calls. The machine has 1 GB main memory with memory word size of 64 bits. The Instructions of this machine is only one memory word. An instruction of the machine consists of opcode - 6 bits, addressing mode specification - 2 bits and remaining bits for specifying the operand addresses. An ADD instruction on this machine has a fixed opcode 110011. The four possible addressing modes for the ADD instruction are coded using the 2 bit addressing mode field. Each ADD instruction involves three operands with at least one of the operand as register operand. Design four ADD instructions, involving at least four different types of addressing modes. Give justification of the selection of every addressing mode.

(b)   A hypothetical 16 bit machine has PC, AC, MAR, IR, DR and Flag
(5 Marks)
registers (You may assume the roles of these registers same as that are

defined in general for a von Neumann machine). The instructions of

this machine contain only one operand address which is a memory

operand. On execution, the memory operand is first brought into the

DR register. The second operand, if required, can be stored in AC

register and the result of the operation is also stored in the AC register,

if needed. The machine has the following instruction:

STORE memAddress
// this instruction result in storage of the

content of AC register into the memory

location specified by memAddress.

Write and explain the sequence of micro-operations that are required

to fetch and execute this instruction Make and state suitable

assumptions, if any.

(c)   Assume that you have a machine as shown in section 3.2.2 of Block 3
(2 Marks)
having the micro-operations as given in Figure 10 on page 62 of Block

3. Consider that R1 and R2 both are 8 bit registers and contains 0001

1100 and 0111 1110 respectively. What will be the values of select

inputs, carry-in input and result of operation (including carry out bit)

if the following micro-operations are performed?  (For each micro-

operation you may assume the initial value of R1 and R2 as given


(i)  Addition of R1 and R2

(ii) Exclusive OR of R1 and R2

(iii)Shift left R2 once

(iv) Decrement R1

(d)   Compare and contrast the operations of Wilkes control Unit to that of
(3 Marks)
Micro-programmed control Unit.

(e)   What is the need of Instruction pipelining? Explain the instruction
(3 Marks)
pipeline with the help of a diagram. Explain the problems of using

instruction pipelining.

(f)    Assume that a RISC machine has 64 registers out of which 16
(3 Marks)
registers are reserved for the Global variables. This machine has been


designed to have 8 registers for storing two input parameters, two output parameters and four local variables for a single function. Explain with the help of a diagram, how the overlapped register window can be implemented in this machine for procedure calls. Explain the process of parameter passing for the subroutine call on this machine.

Question 4 (Covers Block 4)

Write a program in 8086 assembly Language (with proper comments)
(8 Marks)

to count the number of those alphabets that are same as well as are at

the same position in two different strings. For example, in case the

strings are: "ABCDEFGHIJ" and "BDCDABCDEF", this count is 2,

as the 3rd and 4th positions in both the strings contains C and D,

respectively. You may assume that both the strings are available in the

memory and are of length 10. Make suitable assumptions, if any.

Write a program in 8086 assembly language to convert a four digit
(6 Marks)

packed BCD number into equivalent ASCII digits. The packed BCD

number may be assumed to be stored in memory. Your program

should print the four ASCII digits.

Write a simple near procedure in 8086 assembly language that
(6 Marks)

receives one 16 bit number as parameter value on the stack from the

main module. It returns 0 if the upper byte of the number is 0, else

returns 1. Make suitable assumptions, if any.

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Anonymous said...

plz give me answer mcs-012

Unknown said...

Can you please mail me MCS-012 Solved Assignments 2014-2015.
Thanks in advance.

Unknown said...

plz give me solved assignment of mcs-12 ,2014-2015

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